1&1 IONOS: The Best WordPress Hosting For a Startup?

Choosing between the different WordPress hosting providers can be difficult. A lot of them are out there on the market, and many promise to make your life easier when you’re running a blog or website. But how do you pick the perfect one for you? We’ve reviewed 1&1 IONOS — one of the most popular and well-known providers in the industry — and we’ll tell you everything you need to know.

1. 1&1 IONOS – A quick overview

1&1 IONOS is a web hosting company based in Germany. The company is a subsidiary of United Internet AG, a German provider of web hosting services. The name IONOS is a composite of the Greek words ‘ios’ meaning ‘violet’ and ‘neos’ meaning ‘new’.

you with 5 servers at no extra cost. You get unlimited email storage. Furthermore, you get all the features that a WordPress blog provides, WordPress SEO system, and other advanced systems. The plan also includes cloud backup for your site, a revamp of your site’s interface, and an automatic blog generator.
“We’ve always tried to keep our prices as low as possible, as always it’s important to keep your revenue as low as possible,” says Christoph Ogliastra, the Managing Director of IONOS. “Our pricing structure is based on the relative value we place on a number of factors, such as speed, security, memory and much more.”
“We have always tried to keep our prices as low as possible, as always it’s important to keep your revenue as low as possible.”
IONOS benefits from years of experience operating WordPress websites. It collects a considerable amount of user testimonials. In general, the company provides quality and uptime and support.
A customer reviews provided by clients like TechBistro describe IONOS as “fast” and “easy” to work with.
“I’d like to highlight how calm and helpful the staff are,” TechBistro states on its review. “The internet-directory interface can be very technical, but it’s worked flawlessly for us. We’ve had a very smooth and easy transition from using others’ websites to setting up our own.”

flawlessly for us. We’ve had a very smooth and easy transition from using others’ websites to setting up our own.”
So you get performance and support for a comfortable price.
One downside: IONOS doesn’t offer SSL encryption. That means that your personal information might be exposed on the website. In our experience, there still isn’t a solution that is 100% safe

2. WordPress Hosting – What are the benefits?

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in the world. If you are using WordPress, you should use WordPress hosting. WordPress hosting means that the server is optimized for running a WordPress site. When you use WordPress hosting, your WordPress site loads faster, has less downtime, and is more secure.
WordPress is known for its framework — a collection of short reusable piece of code — called the “PHP autoloader”. Autoloading allows you to have only one file for your theme or plugin files, which eliminates your need to manage versioning and version control. You can get started with a theme in just minutes. Below is a short excerpt from the documentation on how to install a theme:
Our goal is to have everything we need to get started in fifteen minutes. Looking at the above, we have:
With these items in place, upload your domain name, choose a flexible plan, apply some SSL key protection, and install UTM (Unlimited tuM.), your web hosting account is now ready to host your website. Easy peasy!
Editing your WordPress website’s code is relatively easy. All you need to do is select one of your site’s files (usually wp-config.php or plugins/post-type/your-theme), save a copy, and then upload your new file. The steps to do that are covered in more detail in the description below

utomating your site’s content is no easy task. And there are lots of different tools that will help you for that: Hugo is a CMS that helps you build, publish, and manage your static website. Ghost is a CMS that works on the same principle as Hugo and Ghost, but it is also an application. Synology’s Syncrep is more of a workflow tool for content, but you can also use it with Hugo.
The best tool for injecting life into your site’s content is the live content blogger. When you use this tool with Hugo and apply some basic theme and SEO-enhancing changes, you can end up with a much more engaging and fulfilling experience when you write. Check out livecontentblog

3. How does 1&1 IONOS compare to other WordPress hosts?

First, 1&1 IONOS may be one of the best WordPress hosting providers because it offers a free domain name for life. A free domain name is a great incentive because it’s something that typically costs $10 to $15 per year and it’s a great way to build your blog’s brand.This makes it an attractive option if you plan to stick with your blog for the long-run. Additionally, you receive an additional 5GB of free storage each year as part of their free plan. In return, you have to give up some of your own personal data, including your names, emails, and password.
However, you do get additional benefits and features if you want to purchase a paid subscription. 3 years of hosting for just $79 is a very attractive saving compared to what would have normally cost you $100 per year. Additionally, for every $100 you spend on their platform, you get another 3 years of hosting included, despite using the free 3 years.
Plus, it’s available on the entire internet so if you don’t like it, you don’t have to spend any money on a different hosting provider.
All in all, 1&1 IONOS is a really well-known and well-loved provider. They have many great features for hosts like bloggers, which makes it an attractive option for anyone looking for a good online presence.
So if you’re running a small business or hobby online, 1&1 IONOS may be the best fit — especially if you want the extra features and security of a premium hosting plan

So enjoy your stay on 1&1 IONOS — your free domain name is waiting for you!
Without further ado, here is how our expert trys to pick between the different WordPress hosting services and choose the best one for you:
1. Determine your budget
This will help you choose an amount you can realistically spend per month on their platform

4. How to choose a hosting company for your website or blog?

Whether you’re starting a blog or building your business website for the first time, you’ll need to choose a hosting company. There are many hosting companies out there and it can be difficult to choose the right one.In fact, it can be more difficult than choosing a car that you want or selecting a sportscar from a catalog.
The biggest risk, however, isn’t choosing a hosting company. The biggest risk is not making the right business and marketing decisions. So, before you invest in any hosting services, you should consider whether you want to:
These are some of the biggest mistakes people make when choosing a WordPress hosting provider. But, before we get to the mistakes, we should first go over the different types of hosting providers. WordPress itself is a content management system. A CMS is a software or platform that is used for creating and managing e-commerce websites

There are a lot of different hosting providers out there, but the most popular and well-known are WordPress.org, Digital Ocean, and Wix.com.
WordPress.org is considered to be the easiest and the most popular WordPress hosting platform because it’s stable, easy to set up, and doesn’t cost that much money. There are other hosts for the intermediate and advanced WordPress lover, but WordPress.org is the one you should use if you’re starting a new blog, business, or online store.
For more detail about how to make an international money transfer, whether you want to build an online store, or generate new customers, check out our full guide to choosing a WordPress hosting solution and start your new site today!
Either Digital Ocean or Wix.com are the best hosts for very large, medium, and small websites. Medium websites usually fall in between the size of a blog and a website. There are other hosts for sale, too